A Letter from Rev. Mark Pope

Dear Members and Friends of New Thought Unity Center:

Words will never be able to describe, and can only hint at the Grace that has appeared and guided me to serve New Thought Unity Center. This is, of course, not about "me." Still, this grace showed up as follows:

  1. I was not in the job market at all.
  2. I was not even thinking about serving churches.
  3. Once I learned the "facts" about NTUC, it seemed there were dozens of obstacles and very little likelihood that this would occur.
  4. No matter what the obstacles seemed to be, one by one they disappeared.

So, let's say of few words about Grace.

Grace is the fulfillment of spiritual law. Grace is beyond rational understanding. Grace requires no effort (none, zero, zip, nada).

Scripture says, "Grace became flesh and dwelt among us." Literally speaking no one can comprehend the meaning of these words. Metaphorically, however, they refer to the Christ being made manifest in the world of form.

There is no oppositional power to Grace, therefore nothing can really be in conflict with it. This is why the story of Jesus describes circumstances where, with no effort and suddenly, the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk and the dead rise. This is pointing out a power so far beyond words and worldly perceptions of causes and effects that it baffles and amazes. Talk about New Thought!

I proclaim the Power that is victorious over every conceivable obstacle. I proclaim the miraculous Power that appears through surrender over the limited and limiting powers of the so-called human mind. I proclaim the Power that is True Now, and in you and in everyone now.

I invite anyone reading these words to sense into the power of Love and Truth and Unshakable Principle that lies just beneath these words and is in us all...and in Truth is who we are.

Perhaps the most significant characteristic of Grace is that it is always for and about everyone. Grace is for anyone willing to open to It. Grace doesn't care anything about your political or sexual preferences or your point of view or how long you have suffered. Grace has nothing to do with so-called advanced souls or less advanced souls. Grace is beyond all differences and makes all things immediately possible for us all.

It is time to let go of worshiping the Mosaic law of cause and effect. It is time now for Grace. Forget understanding it. Forget trying to control it. Forget attempting to reduce it to human understanding. Just sense into It and watch It work. Let us do our best to get our hands off the steering wheel this time. It is not "I" or "you" that doeth the work. It is Truth and Grace.

New Thought Unity Center is now an open invitation to everyone and anyone who may be called to realize Grace. I also proclaim that the days of contraction and conflict and holding back and defending and "not-enoughness" are over for New Thought Unity Center.

To paraphrase another scriptural rendering: "The windows of heaven (metaphorically speaking) are now open and such blessings are being poured forth into our lives that there is not room enough to receive them."

If the individual (YOU) feel called to participate then it is time to Give and Forgive. Nothing short of living and giving and forgiving is called for. And give money too! As you give, so shall you receive is exactly right. No more holding back. No more waiting. And every gift is dedicated and consecrated to Freedom from suffering through Grace for everyone!  Period.

A Radiance of the One Heart,

Rev. Mark Pope