Let us open to grace

I invite and encourage all members and friends of New Thought Unity Center to enter into the consciousness and the experience of grace.

Grace is the fulfillment of all spiritual principle. While the term grace is only a word or concept, the word points quite directly to the highest possibility and potential ever known on earth.

Grace suggests effortless, joyful, miraculous unfolding of events, circumstances, and relationships. Grace can be and is realized through letting go of attempts to control the "uncontrollable" and by being grateful.

Grace forgives everything in us and through us. All we must do is ask and be willing.

One rendering of scripture says, "The Kingdom of Heaven is spread out upon the earth but men and women do not see it." The phrase, Kingdom of Heaven, is, on the one hand, only a composition of words. The phrase, however, points very directly to the ever-present eternal reality of Grace as being here and now.

This grace is for everyone and cannot exclude anyone.

Let us open to grace. Let us invite grace to rise into awareness and shine through us. Let grace be extended to everyone now.

I can only invite you and ask you to come and help make grace visible as you are guided to do so.

I am inviting you. I am asking you.

And, I thank you. I am grateful for your attention to these words and for your prayerful consideration.

Grace Reigns Supreme,

Rev. Mark Pope