Library Team

The mission of the Library is to serve the community and provide information and free materials to support the teachings of New Thought Unity Center. This is the largest metaphysical library of its kind in the area. 

Members of the Library team serve by organizing and facilitating the cataloguing, identifying and shelving of the books, and managing the process of check-outs and check-ins. They also assist in book searches when requested by a minister or teacher and assist with donated items. 

 Their commitment is to:

  • share their love of books by serving in the library no less than 1 hour a month
  • become knowledgeable about the contents of the library
  • communicate their knowledge of the resources with visitors to the library.

The Head Librarian is Joyce Sanders. Library volunteers serve before and after the 10:30am service on Sundays and the 6:30pm service on Wednesdays, to serve guests and assist with check-out and check-in. Shifts are usually 1– 2 hours in length. 

Opportunities to write book reviews and inventory the books by topic currently exist in the library.

For more information contact:

Sarah (Sam) Elliston
Volunteer Coordinator
(513) 961-252 (x104)